Comfort audio for middle-aged people in fleece.
Considering Some Things
MP3 Download: Considering Some Things - “Jim Fairness and The 14-Second Work Year”
Lifetrepreneur and author of the best-selling book, The 14-Second Work Year, Jim Fairness, expands on the principals of “personality jacking.”
Nation of Talkers
MP3 Download: QPR - Nation of Talkers - “Planet Comment”
Social Media expert, Dr. Robert Chandler (onFocus University), joins Connor to discuss web-based community and user-generated content. He also takes a few calls from QPR listeners.
Crying Store®
MP3 Download: “CryingStore® - Episode: ‘Cold Tulips’”
The moving story of Hans Ten Schermerhorn, as told to his granddaughter, in the back of a large, custom van.
Considering Some Things
MP3 Download: “Considering Some Things - Anton Cantrusku”
Commentator Anton Cantrusku has been thinking about technology, communication, and the future of books.